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15 Halloween Themed Journal Prompts

15 Halloween Themed Journal Prompts

Halloween is still a little while away, so now is the perfect time to get all of your Halloween journaling supplies in order, so that you can start planning your Halloween-themed journal spreads! 

Halloween is the best time of year to delve into your inner witch and add a spooky and creative twist to your journaling. Add witchy washi tapes, spooky stickers and devilish doodles to your journals with our range of Halloween-themed stationery! Here are some Halloween-themed journal prompts to let your creative imagination run wild.Halloween bujo prompts

15 Halloween Themed Journal Prompts:

  1. Describe Your Ideal Halloween Costume: If you could dress up as anything for Halloween, what would it be, and why?

  2. Spooky Quotes: Write and decorate a spooky quote in your journal.Halloween quotes bujo(Via @alissecourter on Instagram)

  3. Spells & Potions: Write a recipe for your own potion or spell! This magic is designed to help you manifest what you are needing at the moment. Do you need more confidence? Or more calm? What ingredients will go into the spell or potion? 

  4. Spine-Tingling Memories: What is the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? Why was it so scary for you? Would you face that situation differently now?

  5. Haunted House Adventure: Draw a haunted house outline in your journal. Use the window and door spaces for writing your to-do lists, priorities, etc. Haunted house bujo(Via @mashaplans on Instagram)

  6. Halloween Playlist: Create the perfect Halloween playlist, for your dream costume party. 

  7. Halloween Bucket List: List five Halloween-related activities or experiences you want to have in your lifetime.

  8. Candy Confessions: List your favourite sweet treats! Do you have any special memories associated with them?Halloween pumpkin mood tracker(Via @elsasnotebook on Instagram)

  9. Pumpkin Mood Tracker: Draw different pumpkin faces based on your mood!

  10. Favourite Spooky Movies: Write a list of spooky movies to watch and rate each movie, with a short review and star rating. Halloween movie watch list bujo(Via @hannahkathrynjournal on instagram)

  11. Monster Mash-Up: Combine two or more Halloween creatures (e.g., vampire and mummy) into a new monster. Describe its appearance and backstory.

  12. Ghoulish Borders: Create a page of Halloween themed borders. Experiment with cobwebs, bats, witches brooms and other spooky ideas. Halloween journal borders(Via @emicupplans on instagram)

  13. Hellish Hand Lettering: Get experimental with hand lettering! Fill a page with Halloween-themed words and quotes. Play with different types of hand lettering from dripping slime and blood, to cobwebs, spikes, bones or wavy ghost lines! 

  14. Twilight Fans: Are you team Jacob (warewolf) or team Edward (vampire)? Answer why! 

  15. Scaredy Cats: What things scare you? How do you manage that fear? 

Day of the dead journalJournaling on Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead):

Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday that is traditionally celebrated on the 1st & 2nd of November. It is a joyful holiday where family and friends gather to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. 

Create a loving and special memory a deceased family member or friend in your journal by creating an alter, known as an Ofrenda. Decorate your Ofrenda using sugar skulls, marigold flowers, and foods and beverages loved by the friend or family member. You could also include some of their favourite things and special memories about them. Incorporate this beautiful tradition in your journal as a way of remembering special people in your life that have passed. 

Halloween quotes Wednesday AdamsSpooky quotes ideas for your journal:

"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble." – From Shakespeare's Macbeth

"We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones." —Stephen King

"Welcome to my nightmare. I think you're gonna like it." —Alice Cooper

"I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker colour." – Wednesday, The Adams Family

"There’s a little witch in all of us." — Aunt Jet Owens, Practical Magic

"We all go a little mad sometimes." — Norman Bates, Psycho

"In girl world, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it." —Cady Heron, Mean Girls 

"Every day is Halloween, isn't it? For some of us." - Tim Burton

"Oh, look. Another glorious morning. Makes me sick!" — Winifred Sanderson, Hocus Pocus

"I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost." — Ray Parker Jr., Ghostbusters

"A witch never gets caught. Don’t forget that she has magic in her fingers and devilry dancing in her blood." — Roald Dahl, The Witches

Halloween themed stationerySpooky Stationery for your Planners and Journals: 

We have lots of cute and spooky washi tape, stickers and stationery items to decorate your Halloween or witchy themed journal and planner spreads. Find ghosts, pumpkins, haunted houses and magical elements perfect for a witch! 

Check out our whole range of Halloween themed stationery here:

Or our Witchy Vibes themed stationery here:

Halloween bujo calendar
(via @barbarahaegerart on Instagram)

Do you enjoy getting into the spooky spirit? Don't forget to tag us at @washigang on Instagram or in our Facebook Group and show us your Halloween themed spreads. 

Previous article 15 Washi Tape Ideas for your Journal!
Next article How to Host a Stationery Party!


Bonnie Mortimer - September 11, 2023

Brilliant artwork and creativity.
Thanks for giving me some ideas!!!

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