Hi Gang!
We're super excited to give you all a little sneak peek inside our WashiGang warehouse! We also have a very exciting announcement...keep reading til the end!
We're based in a beautiful big warehouse in Currumbin on the Gold Coast. Our warehouse has it's very own skylight and lets in lots of natural light, which we love! It's also filled with plants because we're a bit plant obsessed here. This is where we pack all of your orders, receive super fun deliveries of stationery and get creative behind the scenes! We've even got a beautiful area at the front of our workspace that we think would be perfect for hosting... WORKSHOPS!!!

Yes!! You read that right! Big drumroll... Our very first workshop will be happening at the start of next year and will be a calligraphy workshop on February 20th, hosted by Ali Curtis from Creative Inking! Yay!!! Are you going to come along? You can book your spot here! We're also keen to BRUSH UP on our calligraphy skills.

We're hoping to host more workshops next year and we'd really, really love your feedback so that we can create some fun events for you all to attend.
Please let us know in the comments what you'd like to attend:
What kinds of workshops would you like to see here?
We were even thinking it could be fun to run some tours of the WashiGang warehouse... is that a crazy idea or would you like to attend a tour of our space?
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