Happy July!!!
This month, with the colder weather, we're thinking all about staying Cozy at Home! Have you heard of the word Hygge, before? Hygge is a Danish and Norwegian word for a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment. Hygge (pronounced hue-guh not hoo-gah) is about finding deeper meaning within ordinary life and establishing a meaningful, mindful connection with the world. Hygge is not about grand gestures, but rather, embracing little luxuries everyday in order to foster a sense of familiarity, comfort and kinship. How lovely.

So, keeping in theme, we're super excited to introduce this months FREEBIE washi tape - a super cute and very Hygge, Cozy at Home range of washi tapes. One of these tapes will be included with your order, this month, if you spend over $75 (before shipping and after discounts).

For the month of July, we'll be snuggling into the world of Hygge and cozy pleasures at home, with a special theme for this month's #MyWashiGangJulySpread challenge. This month's theme and challenge is all about Hygge. We want to see your home life and cozy creature comforts in your Planner and Journal spreads this month. We also put the challenge to you to schedule in some Hygge moments in your calendar this month, from a quiet night of planning, to a morning cup of tea, or a cozy afternoon in your dressing gown and slippers, pencil it in! Remember to share your spreads on Instagram and our Facebook group, using the hashtag #MyWashiGangJulySpread - we'd also love to hear a little about your Hygge plans with your post!

A big congratulations to the winner of our June #MyWashiGangJuneSpread competition, @planner_chelle - We love your positive take on lock down!

Keep an eye on our blog this month for a few tips on living the Hygge lifestyle and staying cozy, our guest blog with Anges Plans, Christmas in July planning tips and an interview with the author of one of our favourite doodle books! If you need a little more inspiration, we've also made a 'Cozy at Home' collection on the website for you to browse through, filled with all things Hygge - check it out here.

What are your favourite Hygge past-times? Lately, we've been enjoying snuggling on the couch with a blanket, Gilmore Girls, a cup of tea, a snuggly chihuahua and some sneaky chocolate.

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