Hi WashiGang Crew!
How are we this close to the end of the year? Did 2021 even happen?
With many of our WashiGang community around the country in and out of lockdown, it's been quite a hard year to plan for! However, we're still persisting in our planners and journals and taking each week as it comes! And when all else fails, we're using all the stickers. Use all the stickers! Stop saving them! (Guilty sticker saver right here...)
What's new in the WashiGang warehouse?
We're busier than ever, thanks to all of your amazing support this year!
Shannon's now officially a Queenslander, after a year of living between the border!
Some brand new, super spooky Fox & Cactus washi tape has arrived in the shop, just in time for Halloween.
We're also in love with our new Australian stationery designer, Dear Frankie. There are loads of super sweet letter writing sets in the shop from Dear Frankie.
Harry the office Chihuahua has been doing lots of snoozing on the job.
This month we're excited to celebrate International Coffee Day, World Teacher Day and Halloween!!! We can't wait to see the journal and planner spreads that you're working on. Stay tuned on our Facebook Group for some more #creativechallenges
We're so excited to reveal our October freebie washi tapes - a super cute vintage kitchen and pattern set! We think these would look super cute in your recipe and meal planners, or for scheduling in tea time, dinner dates or cute country cottage escapes! One of these super sweet tapes will be sent with your WashiGang order during the month of October, when you spend over $75 (before shipping and after discounts). We hope you like them!
A new month means... it's time to show us your Planner & Journal spreads for October!!! We want to see home and garden spreads, recipe & meal planner spreads, Halloween spreads and all of your creative ideas!! Use the hashtag #MyWashiGangOctoberSpread when you share your planner and journal spreads in our Facebook group or on Instagram, for a chance to win a WashiGang gift voucher.
With spring into full swing, we're enjoying some spring cleaning and gardening at home. It's the perfect time of year for baking tasty treats, relaxing at home, focusing on wellness and growth. Keep an eye on the blog this month for a beautiful home and garden themed #bujo spread by our guest blogger, Rox Paper Stickers!
Our super cute vintage kitchen themed washi tape reminds us that we have lots of super cute home and garden themed stationery in the WashiGang shop! Here are a few of our fave home and garden products.
Home & Garden stationery for your planners and journals:
1. Mind Wave Relax at Home with Shibanban Letter Writing Set & Stickers
2. Mind Wave Illustration Stickers - Interior Life
3. Miki Tamura My Favourite Stickers - Kitchen
4. Happy Planner Value Pack Stickers - Garden Florals
5. BGM Washi Paper Flake Stickers - Cafe Kitchen
6. BGM Washi Paper Flake Stickers - Interior
7. Gardening Washi Tape
8. Dear Frankie Home Letter Writing Set
Thanks so much for tuning in! What are you looking forward to this October? Do you enjoy Halloween? Are you doing any gardening or yummy baking?
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us a message! We can't wait to hear from you.
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